NGS workshop 2011
The Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics is hosting a next generation sequencing (NGS) workshop funded by the Thermadapt programme of the European Science Foundation.
It will take place from May 23 to 27 at the Vetmeduni Vienna, Austria.
Scientists from different fields, ranging from phylogenetics to medical research, rely increasingly on large amounts of sequence data. As this can pose a major challenge to researchers, the goal of the workshop is to intensively train the participants in the required fields needed to analyse next-generation sequencing data. The workshop will feature daily lectures in the morning followed by exercises in the afternoon.
Application (CLOSED)
Who is eligible to apply?
The workshop is designed for PhD-students and post-docs currently or prospectively working on NGS analysis. A basic knowledge of UNIX would be highly beneficial.
Application deadline: March 10 (9:00 a.m. CET)
Admission notification: March 17
Send a single .pdf file to ngs.workshop (at) covering the following information:
- CV (including your nationality)
- letter of motivation including your experience with NGS data analysis and a statement of the relevance for your research project
Through the generous funding of the ESF we can offer all participants accommodation for 5 nights (Sunday night through Thursday night) and in addition provide lunch and dinner. Travel support is available for up to 5 participants. To apply for it please include an extra statement in your application file explaining why your lab isn't able to afford travel costs. No admission fee will be charged. Funding for non-European citizens is limited.
Day 1
Topics: Introduction to NGS, introduction to UNIX
Speakers: Christian Schlötterer & Carolin Kosiol
Day 2
Topics: Mapping reads to reference genome, SNP & indel discovery
Speaker: Quan Long
Day 3
Topic: Pool-seq
Speaker: Robert Kofler
Day 4
Topic: RNA-seq
Speaker: John Marioni (European Bioinformatics Institute, EBI)
Day 5
Topic: De-novo assembly
Speaker: Martin Kapun & CLC (Walter Pirovano, Ernst Arnoldi, Holger Karas)