Symposia and meetings
Our students and faculty regularly organise Mini-Symposia and meetings:
Alumni Symposia
2023: Final Symposium. 15.-17.05.2023, Hirschwang a.d. Rax
2018: 10 Years PopGen - 2nd Alumni Symposium
2014: 1st Alumni Symposium
Frontiers of Population Genetics
2022: Frontiers of Population Genetics V
2020: Frontiers of Population Genetics V (cancelled due to pandemic)
2018: Frontiers of Population Genetics IV
2016: Frontiers of Population Genetics III
Mind The Gap
Mind The Gap meetings aim at bringing together theoretical and empirical population geneticists. Previous meetings:
2016: Vienna
2013: Vienna
2011: Cologne
2010: Plön
2009: Freiburg
Other Meetings and Workshops
2020: 25th DZG Graduate Meeting Evolutionary Biology (online).
Several talks available on our YouTube channel
2019: SMBE Satellite Meeting
2015: SMBE Meeting Vienna