Christian Schlötterer
Professor, Institute of Population Genetics
Vetmeduni Vienna
Research area: Experimental population genetics
Christian Schlötterer has a long-term research interest to understand the evolutionary forces shaping molecular variation in natural populations. He made substantial contributions describing the partitioning of variation among natural D. melanogaster and D. simulans populations.
Furthermore, he has pioneered the identification of selection in natural populations by using microsatellite variability. Using a similar rationale, Christian Schlötterer developed a microsatellite-based system for the identification of selective sweeps in experimental E. coli populations. Using this system, he obtained insights into the distribution of effect sizes among positive mutations occurring during the experimental evolution experiments.
Christian Schlötterer also studied the evolution of gene expression by comparing the pattern of sex-biased gene expression in D. pseudoobscura to D. melanogaster. More recently, Christian is using next generation sequencing to address questions in population genetics, genome evolution and transcriptomics.