Frontiers of Population Genetics IV
Date: 9th of May 2018
Venue: Lecture Hall B (campus building FA), Vetmeduni Vienna
How to find the lecture hall: campus map
13:30 Opening remarks
13:35-14:20 (45) John Parsch – LMU München
“Population transcriptomics of Drosophila melanogaster”
14:20-15:05 (45) Brian Charlesworth - Univ. of Edinburgh
“Revisiting selective sweep theory”
15:05-15:35 (30) coffee break
15:35-16:20 (45) Nick Barton – IST Austria
“Understanding the response to selection for longer-legged mice”
16:20-17:05 (45) Andrew Clark – Cornell Univ.
“Mother's Curse, Father's Curse, and the resolution of sexual conflict”