Frontiers of Population Genetics II

The yearly Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) meeting was concluded by a Mini-Symposium on May 16:

Venue: Seminar room Institut für Tierzucht & Genetik (building NA, 2nd floor), Vetmeduni Vienna

Frontiers of Population Genetics II  - May 16, 2014

10:00 Opening remarks

10:05-10:50 John Parsch – LMU München
“Sex- and population-biased gene expression in the brain of Drosophila melanogaster

10:50-11:35 Brian Charlesworth - University of Edinburgh
“Faster-X evolution in species of Drosophila

11:35-12:00 coffee break

12:00-12:45 Jean-Michel Gibert – CNRS Paris
“Genetic bases of phenotypic plasticity in Drosophila

12:45-13:45 break

13:45-14:30 Simon Tavare – University of Cambridge
“A statistical problem arising in the study of tumour heterogeneity"

Fond zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
vetmed uni vienna
Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology
Universität Wien