Frontiers of Population Genetics IV

Date: 11th of May 2022

Venue (for PopGen Vienna members): Lecture Hall B (campus building FA), Vetmeduni Vienna

online access sign up: expired

14:00 Opening remarks

14:05-14:50 (45) John Parsch – LMU München
"The maintenance of gene regulatory polymorphism in Drosophila."

14:50-15:35 (45) Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo – Univ. Paris Diderot, FR
“Evolution of Drosophila glue”

15:35-16:00 (25) break

16:00-16:45 (45) Nick Barton – IST Austria
“Understanding haplotypes”

watch talk here

16:45-17:30 (45) Andrew Clark – Cornell Univ.
“Multi-generation genome-wide allele frequency dynamics in a wild, collapsing population”

Fond zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
vetmed uni vienna
Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology
Universität Wien