Winter Term 2023/24
10.10.23 - Clara Groot Crego (Univ. of Vienna, AT)
Disentangling the evolutionary drivers of an adaptive radiation in Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae).
watch talk here
17.10.23 - Rike Stelkens (Stockholm Univ., SE)
A feast with yeast: Saccharomyces as a model system for population genetics.
watch talk here
24.10.23 - Burcin Yildirim (Vetmeduni, AT)
Nonadaptive sequence evolution: influence of GC-biased gene conversion on the Drosophila genome.
online, only
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31.10.23 - Harald Ringbauer (Max Planck Inst. for Evol. Anthropology, DE)
Inferring long shared haplotypes in ancient DNA - What next?
14.11.23 - Stuart Wigby (Univ. of Liverpool, UK)
Seminal stories: causes and consequences of variation in Drosophila male reproductive proteins.
watch talk here
21.11.23 - Irina Arkhipova (MBL Woodshole, US)
How does horizontal transfer contribute to eukaryotic evolution?
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05.12.23 - Charles Aquadro (Cornell Univ., US)
Untangling the influences of genetics, ecology and function in shaping the surprisingly rapid evolution of germline stem cell genes in Drosophila.
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impomptu seminar, 12:00, 11.12.23 (lecture hall M!) - Diethard Tautz (MPI for Evolutionary Biology, DE)
Evolution of sex-biased gene expression - Inferences on the nature of gender differences.
in-person, only
12.12.23 - Milan Malinsky (Univ. of Bern, CH)
Genome evolution, natural selection, and recombination landscapes.
19.12.23 - Justin Crocker (EMBL Heidelberg, DE)
Multidimensional approach to decoding the mysteries of animal development.
watch talk here
09.01.24 - Mark Phillips (Oregon State Univ., US)
Using experimental evolution to study variation in life-history patterns.
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16.01.24 - Maud Fagny (INRAE, FR)
The adaptation of polygenic traits: from phenotypes to genes, are regulatory networks the missing link?
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cancelled: 23.01.24 - Nancy Chen (Univ. of Rochester, US
Tracking short-term evolution in a pedigreed wild population.
30.01.24 - lecture hall M! Daniel Bolnick (Univ. of Connecticut, US)
A coevolutionary pyrrhic victory: rapid evolutionary gain and loss of a costly but effective immune defense.