Summer Term 2023
07.03.23 - Johannes Krause (Max Planck Inst. for Evol. Anthropology, DE)
The genetic history of Europe: Adaptation and Migration in prehistory.
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14.03.23 - Matteo Fumagalli (Queen Mary Univ. of London, UK)
Big data, AI, and other buzzwords in population genetics.
21.03.23 - Laurent Duret (Univ. Lyon, FR)
Random genetic drift sets an upper limit on mRNA splicing accuracy in metazoans.
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28.03.23 - Ralph Tiedemann (Univ. of Potsdam, DE)
Evolution of Electric Organ Discharge (EOD) in African weakly electric fishes: Genomics and ecology of a magic trait.
11.04.23 - Arnaud Le Rouzic (Université Paris-Saclay, FR)
The evolution of robustness in complex genetic architectures.
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18.04.23 - Jere Koskela (Univ. of Warwick, UK)
Data structures and inference for Ancestral Recombination Graph models of population genetics.
!! Lecture Hall A
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25.04.23 - Camille Berthelot (Institut Pasteur, FR)
Seeing double: understanding the early genome evolution of tetraploid teleost fishes.
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02.05.23 - Martin Kuhlwilm (Univ. of Vienna, AT)
Ghost admixture in great apes.
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impromptu: Friday, 05.05.23 - Benedikt Hallgrímsson (Univ. of Calgary, CA)
Genetic disease and the dimensionality of genotype-phenotype maps.
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09.05.23 - Joanna Kelley (Washington State Univ., US)
Genomic basis of adaptation to extreme environments.
!! Lecture Hall A
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30.05.23 - Jacob Mueller (Univ. of Michigan, US)
Fruits of chromosomal conflict.
06.06.23 - Stephen Dorus (Syracuse Univ., US)
The molecular life history of sperm: postcopulatory male x female interactions.
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13.06.23 - Emilie Brasset (Univ. Clermont Auvergne, FR)
Reactivation of an endogenous retrovirus in Drosophila ovarian somatic tissue: from germline invasion to taming.
20.06.23 - Dolph Schluter (Univ. of British Columbia, CA)
The evolution of phenotypic incompatibilities during speciation.
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27.06.23 - Elif Bozlak (Vetmeduni, AT)
What can Y chromosome tell about population history of mammals in the post-genomic era?
!! Lecture Hall A