Summer Term 2022


01.03.22 - Peter Michael Roth (Vetmeduni Vienna, AT)
Artificial Intelligence Everywhere: A Useful Tool for Population Genetics?

watch talk here

08.03.22 - Guillaume Achaz (Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, FR)
What process(es) cause(s) genetic diversity?

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15.03.22 - Ed Buckler (Cornell Univ., US)
Tackling maize’s contributions to climate change by learning from all plant genomic diversity.

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22.03.22 - Michael Nachman (Univ. of California, Berkeley, US)
The genomic basis of environmental adaptation in house mice.

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29.03.22 - Filip Wierzbicki (Vetmeduni Vienna, AT)
Evolution of piRNA clusters and their role in the silencing of transposable elements.

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19.04.22 - Alberto Civetta (Univ. of Winnipeg, CA)
The evolution of reproductive genes, selection and reproductive isolation in Drosophila.

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26.04.22 - Sara Mathieson (Haverford College, US)
Automatic evolutionary inference using Generative Adversarial Networks.

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03.05.22 - Joshua L. Payne (ETH Zurich, CH)
Mutation bias and adaptive evolution.

17.05.22 - Jesse Lasky (Penn State Univ., US)
The genetics of local adaptation: spatial statistics and crop applications.

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24.05.22 - Carina Farah Mugal (Uppsala Univ., SE)
Molecular signatures of natural selection - analytical results and empirical observations.

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31.05.22 - Arvid Ågren (Uppsala Univ., SE)
The gene’s-eye view of evolution.

07.06.22 - Hannes Svardal (Univ. of Antwerp, BE)
The mysterious role(s) of large chromosomal inversions in a cichlid fish adaptive radiation.

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14.06.22 - Tamar Friedlander (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, IL)
Fitness landscape analysis of a tRNA gene shows that the wild type allele is sub-optimal, yet mutationally robust.

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21.06.22 - Rahul Pisupati (Gregor Mendel Inst. of Molecular Plant Biology, AT)
Genetic basis for Epimutation rate variation within natural lines of Arabidopsis thaliana.

28.06.22 - Carol Eunmi Lee (Univ. of Wisconsin, US & Univ. de Montpellier, FR)
Rapid genome-wide parallel evolutionary responses to environmental change.

Fond zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
vetmed uni vienna
Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology
Universität Wien