Summer Term 2014
04.03.14 - Sergey Gavrilets (University of Tennessee, USA)
Models of speciation: where are we now?
11.03.14 - Tecumseh Fitch (University of Vienna, A)
Vertebrate bioacoustics: A tale of three theories.
18.03.14 - Christian Huber (University of Vienna, A)
Keeping it local: Searching for selection in Swedish A. thaliana.
25.03.14 - Felicity Jones (FML, MPI Tübingen, D)
Molecular mechanisms of Adaptive Divergence in Sticklebacks.
01.04.14 - Boris Igic (University of Illinois, USA)
Trait evolution and multi-level selection in plant breeding systems.
impromptu in the library of building HA, 4th floor: 03.04.14 - at 12:00!! Gergely Szöllősi (Eötvös University, H)
Inferring gene trees with species trees.
08.04.14 - Mattieu Foll (EFPL Lausanne, CH)
Influenza virus drug resistance: a time-sampled population genetics perspective.
29.04.14 - Outi Savolainen (University of Oulu, FIN)
Genetics of local adaptation and responding to climate change in northern trees: Scots pine.
06.05.14 - Daniel Fabian (Vetmeduni Vienna, A)
The genetic basis of life history traits: from clines to experimental evolution in D. melanogaster.
13.05.14 - Xavier Vekemans (University of Lille, F)
Molecular evolution in the Brassicaceae self-incompatibility (S-locus) region over forty million years under strong balancing selection.
20.05.14 - Aneil Agrawal (University of Toronto, CAN)
Mutation and polymorphism in experimental fly populations.
27.05.14 - Daniel Wegmann (University of Fribourg, CH)
Model based inference of evolutionary histories.
03.06.14 - Tony Long (UC Irvine, USA)
The genetic basis of complex traits: Learning to love the heterogeneity hypothesis.
10.06.14 - Johanna Bertl (University of Vienna, A)
Approximate maximum likelihood inference for coalescent models.
17.06.14 - Anna di Rienzo (University of Chicago, USA)
Adaptations to local environments in humans.
01.07.14 - Ludwig Geroldinger (University of Vienna, A)
Two-locus models of spatially varying stabilizing or directional selection on a quantitative trait.